It's been a long time since I shouted so much till I lost my voice.....
It's my 2nd time up there...
First time was a bit thrilling as I didn't know what to expect from there.
Experience was like taking up a lift in KLCC towers and watching the scenery from up there.
I like the ride this round was because we went up to the fog and at the top, we couldn't see anything below except the fog covering it.
The excitement starts when we hear the rocket's "jik jiang" and countdown from 10 to 1.
Ride was too quick and i felt like flying only for split seconds. Then it's just gone.... :(
So High up!!
I could hardly see anything....
and i didn't drop my contacts..
Yeahh!!. so happy. .down d.. after a super duper long queue..
i went last weekend. long break mah. i doubt u can make it.
earn OT better la.