1. They want to look 'high-class' that durians are of lower class people
2. They have strong, bad BO. They are afraid that the durian smell will be part of their BO
3. They have bad digestive system, that makes them FART and BURP durian smell
4. They don't flush their toilets -> that makes durian smell all over their toilet bowls
5. They dont want to dirty their hands while holding the durian
6. They are stingy. Durians are costly King Fruits.
They rather pluck free rambutans from other people's house.
7. They dont' know how to open the durian shell (even though the durian sellers would do it for us now)
8. They are aneroxic people, who thinks that eating some Durians will make them fat.
From writing this, I think I would end up offend most of the durian-haters.
Kudos to the durian-lovers.
Btw, I'm not a durian-lover. I'm a neutralist.
yes... u like to burp and fart durian!
well.. relaly, i feel some ppl feel that it's a LC (LOW CLASS) THING.