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It's just 2 days...

and I think i'll just stop here..

I doubt I can go on with the partial fast. Surviving with just tomoatoes, carrots, ladies fingers, oranges, pears, potatoes and brown rice cereal didn't work too long for me.. but I felt that my tummy was working well with the new diet I had.
I will breakfast tomorrow. :(

In the morning, I just felt so cold and my nails were blackish purple!!

I learnt a lot from reading the benefits of fasting:
1. Strengthen the relationship with God
2. For prayer requests
3. For spiritual breakthrough
3. and even for health purposes - Daniel Fast could help for recovering and restoring health.

from elsewhere.... (which is so true for myself)
Fasted when under chastening
Fasted when under judgment
Fasted to seek God's will
Fasted for victory over the enemy
Fasted for deliverance
Fasted for purity before the Lord
Fasted as part of sorrow for sin

17 Biblical Reasons To Fast
To worship, love and glorify God (Luke 2:37; Zechariah 7:5; Isaiah 58:2)
To intensify the effectiveness of our prayer (Ezra 8:23; Isaiah 58:9 Judges 20)
To seek wisdom and guidance (Jeremiah 29:13; Daniel 10:1-3; Acts 13:3, 14:23)
To express repentance (Leviticus 16:29-31; Jonah 3:5-8; I Samuel 7:6; Acts 9:9)
To teach ourselves humility and deepen our dependence upon God (Psalms 35:13, 69:10)
To rededicate our lives to the Lord (Joel 2:12)
To intercede for and help spiritual captives (Isaiah 58:6; Daniel 9:1-21; Matthew 17:21; Mark 9:28-29)
To train our bodies to yield to our spirits (I Corinthians 9:27)
To wage spiritual warfare with God's Holy power (Matthew 17:9-11)
To hasten physical healing(Isaiah 58:8) To overcome strong temptations and strengthen obedience to God(Luke 4:1-2)
To enhance personal devotions(Matthew 6:16-18)
To respond to times of great crisis and seek deliverance(II Chronicles 20:3-4; Esther 4:16)
To express grief(Judges 20:26; I Samuel 31:13)
To express concern for the work of God (Nehemiah 1:1-4)
To devote time to witnessing and soul winning (John 4:4-34)
To share our abundance with others (Isaiah 58:6-7)


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