1. Study Overseas (eg. Sweden) :) http://www.chalmers.se/en/ http://www.studyinsweden.se/ 2. Apply to become a teacher in the government sector step 1 : Go to JPN (beside Bkt Jambul school) and apply as a temporary teacher step 2: Check out newspaper in April/May for the new intake. step 3: Go to website to read about the application of KPLI course http://apps2.emoe.gov.my/tayang.php?laman=utama&unit=utama&bhs=my (currently, everything says 'closed' (tutup)) step 4: Go to Bank simpanan Nasional and buy Rm6 dono what. 3. Study Masters option 1: Wawasan Open University (Jan or Jul intake) option 2: Universiti Sains Malaysia (closing date: 27 Feb 2009 for July 09 intake) *updated - since most thinks that #4 is not practical* 4. Find a RICH husband , get married and make babies