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Review: CSL Spice Droidpad MI700

CSL has launched their Droidpad and now it's in Penang!!
It's a four-day event situated at the ground floor of Gurney Plaza (New Wing), right outside of McDonalds. Fellow Penang bloggers were invited to review on MI700, at the same time, a chance to take home a brand new MI700 home!

 All ready and waiting :)

One of the bloggers being interviewed during the review

Poor fellow being pushed and kicked by the kids. Thank goodness it's cool and windy inside.
Here is the real stuff.
The Deputy Manager of Regional Sales, Jit was explaining the features of the new droidpad.
One of the key features that you might be interested:
  • A pad that is able to make calls
  • Android 2.2
  • 7" Display Touch Screen
  • HSDPA ( High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) technology
  • 512MB internal memory
  • Able to modify Powerpoint/Word and etc
  • WiFI connectivity and able to act as a router
  • Webcam - able to skype or fring
  • Bluetooth
  • Many many applications
  • Chinese handwriting recognition
  • 18 months warranty
  • and it's only RM1599!!
Full comprehensive review can be found here, at the CSL website.
I tried playing around with it personally, the response and connection was pretty fast and the touch screen was sensitive too. Nothing much to complain about for a local product :)

The much await time has finally arrived that we were all anticipating for our Droidpad. One of the blue bags contained the new droidpad.

     And the winner goes to...
    The pretty lady blogger :) 
    What determined her a winner was the brochure in her bag that had some black indication.
    Thanks CSL, I hope there will be more launching events, and it'd be me, winning the item!


Criz Lai said…
Lucky pretty pregnant lady :P That's Steven Goh's wife, Apple Tan, by the way. :)
Kellaw said…

my review...

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