I've decided to quit my job and become a farmer.
I really hated my current place now.
I've just started my new job, and my new boss gave me some work to do last saturday.
Me doing my daily chores, sowing the seeds sparingly..
My sis came to buat kepo while i am at work:
I really hated my current place now.
I've just started my new job, and my new boss gave me some work to do last saturday.
My boss' ratatouille:
Spread the soil:
I learnt and now I know how to start farming... Steps to follow:
1. Weeding with hoe
2. Loosen the soil
2. Loosen the soil
3. Mix the soil thoroughly with Black soil (fertilizer soil)
4. Make the territory (as picture above) so that water can drain out
5. Spread the black soil on top
6. Seeding and place sticks marking where the seed is
We had ladies finger, bitter gout and chillies.
From Wan Ying