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Steam bath

I remembered, the last i went for a steambath was 2 years ago, when I had a stay in Ritz-Carlton, KL. It was a short one after a quick swim at the hotel.
At that time, i never knew what was it all about, but I just wanted to have fun and enjoy the facility.

After gym classes (mtv style and body combat), i managed to had a quick 10 mins steam bath and I think it was cool. I was just wrapped with towel. *phweeitt!*
And the benefits of it....

(got it from:

Steam baths are good for:

easing stress
relieving muscle tensions and stiff joints

boosting the immune system

lymph detoxification

stimulating circulation

increasing body metabolism

alleviating sinus congestion due to colds, asthma, or allergies, and

keeping skin youthful.
What can steam heat do?

Steam heat increases the extensibility of tissues.
Steam heat decreases rigidity in joints.

Steam heat reduces muscle spasm.

Steam heat can decrease muscular pain.

Steam heat increases blood circulation and irrigation, but not blood pressure.

Steam heat enhances total lymph system cleansing.

Steam heat has been recently used in therapies against cancer and infectious diseases.

Steam baths are highly effective is removing fat-stored toxins from the body.

Steam effectively washes toxins from


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